Catfish Bayou

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``SUBdue™ 6 575 by ׃all»OUt
Oct 8, 2009 17:36:56 GMT -5


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Catfish Bayou

Far beyond Crazy Willy's Restaurant and to your displeasure, further down the frightening road, is a bayou. Though, it is probably one of the darkest and most savage places in Wyatt, it is the most welcoming site for it is the one that feels the most familiar to you. The murky water is almost tranquil and nearly makes you forget all those other terrifying spots you passed by to get here. As you look out onto the bayou, you can barely get over how large it is and why no one comes to visit it anymore. From where you sit, you can see the fish jumping from the water as they try and catch flies which hover above and as big fat bullfrogs leap into the water's edge trying to grab a lightening bug. In the trees surrounding you, you can hear cicades singing and the delightful sound of hundreds of tree frogs chirping. The noises are so soothing you almost feel safe enough to catch a short nap. That is, until you are shaken back to reality as a small fresh water crocodile bursts from under the water and snaps a duck into its massive mouth and dives back underneath to enjoy its meal.
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