Peterson Farm Barn

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Oct 8, 2009 17:36:56 GMT -5


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Peterson Farm Barn

This rather large farm belongs to the Peterson Family. They raise cattle for a living so the place can be quite smelly! The main feature of this farm is a massive red barn. It hasn't been painted in a few years so the paint is chipped exposing the worn boards. The inside of the barn is quite a sight. Stalls line the main walkway but only two contain horses. Some of the others are filled with old cardboard boxes that contain junk that Mrs. Peterson hasn't gotten rid of yet. The rest of the stalls contain farm equipment. Up high are the haylofts that seem impossible for a dog to access. Thankfully, now that Mr. Peterson is older and less agile, a ramp has been added. The loose hay can make a comfortable bed and the mice that hide there can fill ones belly if you work hard enough and catch alot. A few cats call this barn home so don't be alarmed if you come across one! An ancient tire-swing hangs down from a rafter, a memory of when the Peterson kids still lived on the farm. Recently, Mrs. Peterson has noticed an increase of stray dogs in the barn and has started putting down dishes of table scraps each day. She's a master in the kitchen... not that a famished dog would care! So if you feel like getting a taste of the country air, head on down to the Peterson barn to nap in the sweet hay and eat a few bowls of Mrs. Peterson's amazing food. They welcome strays.

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