Wyatt Baseball Field

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Oct 8, 2009 17:36:56 GMT -5


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Wyatt Baseball Field

Once, you pass by the Sheriff's office, you will travel down the road another good mile or so before you suddenly come to a clearing, when all the while all you have seen is thick forest on both sides of the dirt road. It is so sudden that it is bizzare and it may give you the creeps or at least make you raise your brows for why on earth would this dump of a town have a baseball field. Well, if only you had come down at night, you would find out that two local, but very small teams, plays here almost every night. You might wonder how two teams came to be in such a tiny hillbilly town well, the two teams are basically made up of two families that became at war with one another over someone in one of the families supposedly stealing another's expert hunting dog. The fight goes way back in their history and has been passed through the generations and it was decided long ago that they would take the fight out in baseball. Hey, why not? At least it'll provide everybody else with some good old fashioned entertainment. Take caution though, as sometimes these baseball games get a little out of control and can turn into an all out brawl, with beer bottles flying, food whipping every which way and fists a swinging.
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