Meridian Nature Preserve

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``SUBdue™ 6 575 by ׃all»OUt
Oct 8, 2009 17:36:56 GMT -5


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Meridian Nature Preserve

Meridian Nature Perserve was intended to be bought by a local realator, hoping to section off the massive plot of land into tiny sub divisions that one cape styled house would be erected on about an acre of land. Using this trick, the realator would coax people into buying these small houses for expensive prices, by stating they were water front property, a legal process even though the shore was miles away, and end up making a mint off of the profits. Luckily, the local town's nature reserve group caught onto the realators slick idea, and fought to save the site from being built upon by offering that the spot would make more money being untouched. With tons of paperwork, charts and statistics of all kinds backing them up as well as a signed partition from nearly half the citizens in the district, they won the case without even having to bring it to court. The realator was made so nervous by the overwhelming information gathered by the nature reserve group that he pulled out his stake on the spot and high tailed it out of the district. Today, the site is a active spot as the town holds huge barbeques and other sorts of functions on the site. Once in a while, the spot is rented out to massive weddings and even small rolling carnivals from time to time which of course attracts the candids, as food is easy pickings.
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