Crazy Willy's Restaurant

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``SUBdue™ 6 575 by ׃all»OUt
Oct 8, 2009 17:36:56 GMT -5


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Crazy Willy's Restaurant

So you have decided to pass by the baseball field so, you can maybe find a place to make a pit stop and grab a bite to eat. Well, you will need to do a bit more traveling down that road which, will lead you into the darker parts of the town as the trees are getting far thicker and their dense canopies cover the road in dark shade. As if this was not knee knocking enough, the sounds of insects and wild animals nearly deafen you and send shivers down your spine, with thoughts of what may come springing out of those woods. However, you are determined to keep going as hunger pangs have taken over your belly and so you keep driving until, finally you see the so called restuarant to your right. You look on with horror at the small shack that is a restuarant, eyeing the suspicious looking dark grey and brown smoke that wisps from the stackhouse(a metal chimney). You are reluctant to go in but your stomach groans, causing you to enter the shack. Inside, the floor is nothing but dirt and mud, covered with saw dust, with poorly made tables and chairs sitting upon the mess. The kitchen is basically an open one, where a few grills, a sink and an ice box sit out in the view of the customers. Hanging from the beams above, are different kinds of dead animals hanging from strings, ready to be plucked off, skinned, cut up and cooked right before your eyes as you sit at the disgusting tables caked with grime and sit on sticky, greasy chairs slathered with years of lord knows what.
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